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Product Support and the online self-service hub are intuitive, time efficient, and interactive, but in instances you need to contact us, find Bose contact info here.
若要瞭解您所正在地區/國家供给的保固服務和 Bose 环球保固,請聯繫您所正在地區/國家的銷售商或保固服務供给者。申請保固服務前,您能够須供给購買證明詳細資料,包罗但不限於收據或銷售 …
At Bose, we’re dedicated to better sound and better service. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional service for your Bose products and systems. If you experience a problem with …
凡自中邦大陆Bose 公司直营专卖店及 Bose 授权经销商处添置之Bose产物。 添置者自添置日起均享有如下保修计谋: 可稀少拆卸的扬声器单位局部3-5年、专业产物电子局部2年、民用产物 …
If your country is not listed below, please contact the local Bose authorized reseller where the product was purchased for further assistance.
Use the guided troubleshooter tool to help troubleshoot your Bose product or associated app, as well as find service and repair resources for your Bose product.
Bose耳机,邦内维修1800元,外洋免费换,为何有差别的官方售后计谋? 哪些外洋品牌对中邦用户更友爱? 2020年10月1日, 范姑娘正在Bose陆家嘴核心店花费2299元添置了旗舰款Bose博士 …
请通过电话或电子邮件接洽 Bose 客户供职专业人士知道您家中、公司或汽车里的音频管理计划的合系消息以及媒体垂询。
Each Bose product has a unique serial number or a 4-digit code located on the product or original packaging. Most serial numbers can be found on the back or bottom of the product, and …
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如果您喜欢使用我们的在线代购服务。您应该把我们的[bose free 海外购维修]服务介绍给您的弟媳~让他们发现到我们这款能帮助解决日常代购问题的平台。